Here’s the bottom line, moving can be very stressful. That’s probably not a newsflash to anyone, but it’s certainly something that I am more aware of now having gone through a buy and sell with my own family recently.
The transaction process can be extremely stressful! I’ve learned that it’s important to keep things in perspective. I was lucky enough to be reminded of that by a colleague recently. It seems that whenever I was asked about our new home, or the move, or anything related to the last month or so of our lives- I was always focused on the challenges we faced and the work that lied ahead. I was reminded that what we focus on expands. If I continue to focus on all the challenges and potential obstacles in making our new house our new home, that would continue to distract me from our ultimate goal, which is making our new home our forever home. I would lose focus from all the reasons we fell in love with the property to begin with, including the potential of our new home and property and all the great improvements that we can make there and the great memories we can and will make.
It’s like I tell my son on a regular basis, it’s up to you to decide whether you’re in a good mood or a bad mood, no one else will ever make that decision for you. Likewise, it’s up to me to decide whether I’m going to focus on all the great things about our new home & neighborhood, as well as the exciting times that lie ahead or focus on the obstacles that we will have to cross to get to our desired destination. The decision is mine.
We can’t always control our environment, but we can always control how we respond to it.
I hope everyone’s enjoying the summer! Let’s soak up the sun while we can.
July 17, 2022

©2022 by Scott Hobbs.